Gold Rush

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Gold Rush Resources

Gold Rush - Sacramento Bee.  Extensive information accompanied by photographs of the time.

The Gold Rush - America101 (Trinklein/Boettcher) - Includes a mini textbook with lots of information in a kid-friendly design and Fantastic Facts.

The Gold Rush of 1849 -  Scroll down the page for a good article on the discovery at Sutter's Mill and early development of the Gold Rush.

1848-1865:  Gold Rush, Statehood, and the Western Movement - Calisphere
.  This page focuses largely on the impact of the Gold Rush on Native American, Chinese, and other cultures.

In the Heart of Gold Country - Deer Creek School.  Located in Nevada City, CA, Deer Creek School provides information about the gold rush history that surrounds them.  Topics include People, Community, Mining, Transportation, Photo Album, and a Timeline.

Gold Rush: California's Untold Stories - Okland Museum of California.  This site presents a virtual tour of the Oakland Museum of California's Gold Rush exhibition, including sections on art, natives and immigrants, a quiz, and curriculum materials for educators. The exhibit includes photographs, artifacts, primary documents, audio files (some in Chinese), and maps.

Land of Golden Dreams - The Huntington. "This Web presentation of the Huntington Library's remarkable collection of Gold Rush manuscripts, drawings, and rare printed materials allows the people involved to tell you their own true stories and bring this unique event to life."

Gold Rush - California State Library. Documents, pictures, and information.