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Grolier Online Kids

Grolier Online
CUSD subscribes to four quality encyclopedias through Grolier Online.  You can use Grolier Online at school AND home!   See your school library clerk or email the district librarian for login information.


Famous Explorers A-Z -Biography.com
Locate your Explorer by last name. Tip:  I love the Cite This link for each article which will give you the proper MLA citation.

Notable Explorers - FactMonster by Pearson Education
 An extensive list of Explorers with links to short biographies on each.

Extensive list of explorers with information on each.  What I love about this site is at the bottom of most of the articles is a link that says "Click here for other places to learn about this explorer" which will take you to MORE great web resources for your explorer.  This was co-created by an elementary Teacher Librarian and is very well-done!!!

Early Explorers, Modern Explorers, and Space Explorers