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Grolier Online Kids

Grolier Online
CUSD subscribes to four quality encyclopedias through Grolier Online.  You can use Grolier Online at school AND home!   See your school library clerk or email the district librarian for login information.

Country Websites

Countries of the World - FactMonster
Great, easy-to-read information on countries including History, Geography, Government, and statistics on Religion, Population, Economy/Industries, and more.  Be sure to look at the left sidebar of your country's article for lots of statistics and info!

Countries of the World - InfoPlease
Be sure to check the bottom of your country's article for more pages.  Additional pages of informaiton on your topic are numbered at the bottom of the articles.

World Factbook
- Yahoo! Kids
Provides lots of statistics as well as information on the Government, Economy, Transnational Issues, and more.
CIA World Factbook - the full, official CIA version with more info!

Country Profiles - BBC News
Click on your country for good information, maps, and timeline.

Around the World - Time for Kids
While you won't find long articles with lots of info here, it is worth a visit.  Basic statistics can be found, a timeline, and be sure to take a minute to visit the Daily Life link for your country where you can click through the day in a kid's life in your country and find out what it's like to live there!

Scholastic Global Trek
It's designed to look like a travel site.  Not all countries are listed.  Use the drop-down menu to locate your country and click Go.  You'll find some good information

Maps plus locate your Country in the A to Z index for articles with nicely organized information. A good website, but don't use it for current statistics, many are 20 years old.  But it will give you a good idea about products, geography, climate, history, etc.

Butte County Library

Butte County Library
 Visit the Chico branch of the Butte County Library to checkout more books for your country report.  Visit their online catalog to place a Hold on books you need from any branch location.  They'll quickly gather them and alert you when they're ready!