
Start Your Research Here!


Search for books on your topic
in any of our library collections!

Grolier Online Kids

Grolier Online
CUSD subscribes to four quality encyclopedias through Grolier Online.  You can use Grolier Online at school AND home!   See your school library clerk or email the district librarian for login information.

General Biography Websites

Biographies are organized by topic or use the search field at the top.
The easiest way to search is to type in your person's name and the word biography in the search field, for example, "Lucille Ball biography."


Butte County Library

Butte County Library
 Visit the Chico branch of the Butte County Library to checkout more books for your biography report.  Visit their online catalog to place a Hold on books you need from any branch location.  They'll quickly gather them and alert you when they're ready!