Library Lessons

Lesson Topics

Pushing into classrooms and providing meaningful lessons for students is one of my favorite things to do as a Teacher Librarian! I have 15 years of teaching experience at the primary level and would be thrilled to meet with your students for lesson time. I provide lessons all the way from TK to 5th grade. Be sure to check back here often for added lessons, lesson ideas, and plans. Choose your grade level on the left hand side to see what lessons are offered for each grade level. I am also happy to assist teachers with research projects (see below), inquiry based lessons, assisting with reading groups and guidance, and much more! Be sure to reach out to me early so I can add you to my calendar:




Library Catalog (Destiny) Lesson (45 minutes)- Grades 2-5

Students are introduced to the concepts of Library arrangement, Call Numbers, and how to search the Library Catalog (Destiny).   A hands-on practice allows students to demonstrate mastery of these skills.  Can be stand-alone or timed with a research project that would require book sources. Students will need their chromebooks for this lesson, and TL will need access to your ViewSonic. All other materials will be supplied by TL.


Online Encyclopedias (45 minutes) Grades 3-5

CUSD subscribes to four encyclopedias through Grolier Online for home/school use for our students.  Grolier Online is an EXCELLENT, reliable resource for most research projects.  Content here is specially selected for elementary students and is NOT available through Google!  This lesson provides login information for students to take home and includes a demonstration of how to effectively use Grolier Online.  Students are then provided time and assistance in using Grolier to locate encyclopedia articles on their research topic. Ideally, this lesson would take approximately 45 minutes. Students will need their chromebooks for this lesson, and TL will need access to your ViewSonic.


Google Sites (60 minutes) Grades 4-5

Students will be introduced to Google Sites. During this lesson students will be taught how to create their very own website. Ideally, this lesson will accompany a current research project or Passion Project. Students will learn the basics for creating a Google Site, the importance of reseaching using valid sources, and internet safety.


Selected Resources Grades 2-5

Tired of students' random Google-ing and want to make sure they have good, reliable resources for their research project?   Let me know your research topic, and I can review, select, and prepare a collection of resources for the topic your students are researching.   A special webpage will be prepared to host these for your students and will be linked from your school's Library page.  Once created, these resources can be revised year to year as necessary.   I can also provide a brief introduction to your class on the use of the resources and stay and assist them in their research and use of these resources

Inquiry Based Learning/Genius Hour/Passion Project Grades 3-5 **Twice a week for 4 weeks**
Would you like to tap into your students' passions and interests? Let me introduce your class to Genius Hour or Passion Projects! I will introduce your students to Inquiry Based Learning and teach them how to research their topics all while creating their very own website. Please note, this is a learning process and cannot be taught with only one lesson. We will need to carve out 45 minutes of time twice a week for 4 consecutive weeks to get the best learning experience possible. Please reach out to me early to get on my calendar!


Please contact me as early as possible to schedule instruction.  Since most lessons are tailored to meet specific class/project needs and involve access to specific technologies, ample time for us to communicate and plan appropriately is important.    I look forward to working with you!



Monica Brown

Elementary Teacher Librarian